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U-i-u-a-a — детская дискотека

U-i-u-a-a — детская дискотека

Текст песни:

Ooo eee,ooo ah ah ting tang

Walla walla, bang bang

I told the witch doctor

I was in love with you

I told the witch doctor

I was in love with you

And then the witch doctor

He told me what to do

He told me

Chorus: Ooo eee,ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla, bang bang Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla bang bang... Ooo eee ,ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla ,bang bang Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang Walla walla bang bang

I told the witch doctor

You didn't love me true

I told the witch doctor

You didn't love me nice

And then the witch doctor

He game me this advice


You've been keeping love from me

Just like you were a miser

And i'll admit i wasn't very smart

So i went out and found myself

A guy that's so much wiser

And he taught me the way to win your heart.

My friend the witch doctor

He taught me what to say

My friend the witch doctor

He taught me what to do

I know that you'll be mine

When i say this to you

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огонь 7
смешно 4
грустно 1
не нравится 2
скучно 1
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