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Русалочка Under the sea

Интересный, романтичный диснеевский мультфильм о Русалочке открывает детворе безграничный тайный мир океана. «Under the sea» - сказочная песня, исполненная на английском языке. Но зная перевод, можно точно понять, кто населяет глубину, какой у них уклад жизни, какую роль выполняет каждый обитатель. Не даром это произведение получило высокую награду, как лучшая песня для детского мультфильма. И вы можете слушать онлайн эту замечательную мелодию. Мир под водой особый, он не похож на тот, к которому мы привыкли на земле. Друзья предупреждают Ариэль, что не стоит подниматься наверх, там русалочку не ждет ничего хорошего.

Текст песни:

Ariel, listen to me
The human world, it's a mess
Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?

Under the sea, under the sea
Darling, it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me

Up on the shore, they work all day
Out in the sun, they slave away
While we devotin', full time to floatin'
Under the sea

Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves they roll
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in the bowl

But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate

Under the sea, under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee

We, what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea, we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles

Under the sea (Under the sea)
Under the sea (Under the sea)
Since life is sweet here
We got the beat here

Even the sturgeon an' the ray
They get the urge an' start to play
We got the spirit, you got to hear it
Under the sea

The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
And they soundin' sharp

The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul

The ray he can play
The lings on the strings
The trout, rockin' out
The blackfish, she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
An' oh, that blowfish blow

Under the sea (Under the sea)
Under the sea (Under the sea)
When the sardine
Begin the beguine
It's music to me (Music is to me)

What do they got? A lot of sand
We got a hot crustacean band
Each little clam here, know how to jam here
Under the sea

Each little slug here, cuttin' a rug here
Under the sea

Each little snail here, know how to wail here
That's why it's hotter, under the water
Ya we in luck here, down in the muck here
Under the sea

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